Soulless: The Graphic Novel

Writer: Phil Ringer

Stoked to be on the job.
Phillip C. Ringer, born September 22nd, 1991, the third of a five sibling, one parent family. He has lived in Oregon his whole life. After going to the same school district until high school, he was expelled from Centennial High School and sent to Centennial Learning Center, an alternative school. There he found two things: Laura Bynum, artist, and a semester-long project in which he had to do lots of work and make a stunning final product. Naturally, he thought of comics.

Phil always wanted to write a comic, but never knew what to write. Then, one day, he hears a quote: "We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we really are." When he thought about what life would be like without that, his train of thought drifted to vampires, who not only couldn't see themselves in the mirror, but they couldn't feel 'good' emotions. By removing the undead part he created the main idea of Soulless. What would happen to someone who couldn't feel happiness, love or caring? One problem: he can't draw. Turning to his friend Laura, Phil saw an easy way to solve the problem.

To contact Phil, send an email to [email protected] or comment on his newest blog post.

PS: Above bio written by Phil Ringer. Yes... that felt awkward.

Artist: Laura Bynum

Peace, love and anime.
Laura Bynum, is known as the enigma. Please folks, I am but a young lady and therefore must obey by my parents rules 'till I am moved out and away from the boundaries of the house.

For those who choose the path of art, I am willing to share my experience as an artist when pursuing my career as a cartoonist. For the most part, all I can say for now, is practice, practice, practice.
Review your best pieces of work that you like and figure out why you like the way you made them.
And if you plan to go to college, DON'T RECYCLE ANY OF YOUR WORK!
Almost any art college looks for the person's past work. Even if you think it's no good!  Keep it so they can examine your work and see what progress you have made in your years of drawing.

So, out of all that, all I can say is: enjoy the comic book. Peace.... :)

Note from Phil:
To contact Laura, scream very loudly "LAURA! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!!!" Then hit yourself very hard for thinking that yelling would work. And use your inside voice next time, jerk.